Syrif's Configuration Guide - Hekili/hekili GitHub Wiki

Guide Contents

Category Topics
What is this guide? - What is this guide?
- Why should I trust you?
- Can I actually get good at a spec using this addon?
Setting up the Visual display - Weakauras & Weakaura UIs
- Displays
Configuration and Settings - Trinkets
- Addon Performance
- Subjective Settings
- Macros/Keybinds

What is this guide?

This guide is meant to help you make some basic configuration changes to Hekili to have it working better out-of-the-box for all specs.


This is a general guide, if you're looking for class-specific tips, check out Class / Spec specific tips/tricks


This is a community-created guide, not created by the developer himself.

If you have more questions, feel free to ping @syrif in the Hekili Discord #general channel! 😄

Click me to see more!
The guide is full of these expandable arrows to make navigation and scrolling easier. Be sure to open them if you want to see more details in a section!

Does Syrif's opinion matter? Is this addon even good? My class discord flames anyone who mentions it.

My wife would tell you that my opinion does not, in fact, matter 🙃 .. but I have done a lot of coaching and customization with this addon and really pushed it to its limit in high end content.

Syrif's Credentials / results

Can I actually get good at a spec using this addon? Or will it be like having training wheels forever

I like to think I did (see above). A lot of people have a lot of opinions on this, personally I believe it's simply a tool and what it does for you depends on how you use it. To me, it's no different than a class weakaura pack which feeds you information about procs, buffs, uptime, etc. You can choose to learn from it or you can choose not to. You can choose to apply context by doing things like Cooldown Toggling (add link) and following the mentality in the Advanced Guide (still under construction).

Setting up the visual display

Weakauras and Weakaura UIs

Go here to see the current list of weakauras!


Option 1: Import Syrif's Visual display to skip some steps



Option 2: Step-By-Step instead of importing the profile (or to see explanations)
1: In the Displays -> Primary -> Icons tab
  • Make your display either 3 or 4 Icons Shown. Personally I do 3, adding more buttons takes more resources and they often end up changing due to procs anwyays
  • Make button #1 larger than the next 2-3 by making the size of Primary Icon larger than Queued Icon right below it on the same tab


2: In the Keybinds tab
  • Make sure the keybinds are larger and outlined, especially if your keybinds are not 100% memorized.
  • I also recommend centering it


3: Move the Display
Place the rotation beneath your characters feet with enough room to see swirlies below you. You can do this by dragging the icon display while Hekili's options are open. You can drag the UI window out of the way if needed. If you want to do it vertically, do it beside your character but I've personally always done horizontal.


4: In the Toggles tab in the upper-left

Navigate to the Interrupts and Defensives sub-tab and choose from these options:

  • Disabled or enabled
  • Enable the Filter M+ Interrupts (DF Season 3)
    • This will only tell you to interrupt important casts in m+, can be useful if you don't have a weakaura/plater for this already
  • Showing separately is up to you, it will get its own little display window instead of being inside your main queue
  • For higher content, non-tank specs, I would disable Defensives entirely. I can't give much advice on the tanking side of how to set it up unfortunately. image
Optional Mode: Spellflash
  • If you are interested in using spellflash instead of the Hekili queue, go here (see below image) and configure it
    • Try it if you wish. I've heard it works great for heavy-proc specs.
    • Has an issue with macros, see FAQ for more details image

Display mode

  • Use automatic mode under Toggles --> Display Control (it dynamically changes your rotation to AoE as it detects multiple targets in accordance with your targeting settings), especially as melee.
  • For ranged casters, you may prefer dual bars, try out both

Configuration & Settings


  • Turn off most trinkets (under the Gear and Items tab), unless you need to do something really specific with a trinket such as puzzlebox
  • Most trinkets will be macro'd to your CDs anwyays, so this just makes noise in the rotation bar by leaving it on.
  • Unfortunately you need to do it per-trinket-per-spec, or turn off items completely in the action list.
How to turn off items/trinkets


Addon Performance

I have gone back and forth on the performance settings a lot in the last few months, but these are my current recommendations.

In-Combat Timer

This setting controls how often the addon will force an update. It already updates on important events like procs, but you can make it update on an interval outside of that. The default setting forces it up update every 0.25 seconds, aka 4 times per second. You can lower this to a maximum of 0.05 seconds, which is 20 times per second.

In my opinion, the best thing to do is make it as low as you can without impacting performance on the rest of your game. If you lower this setting but your CPU can't keep up, it's kind of pointless and the addon won't seem any better. But if your rig doesn't suffer from lowering this, you may experience faster/smoother recommendations (in my experience). You will need to do this for each spec.

Where do I change it?


Some general tips on WoW CPU/fps performance?

Watch this video by Quazii on WoW settings


  • Set your spell queue window to ping + 150 as a baseline, adjust as necessary until it feels natural and you're able to change your globals "at the last second"
  • You can use this weakaura or alternatively this guide to set the window
  • with a fast reaction time, this can allow you to apply last-second Hekili recommendations, and will make proc-heavy specs feel better.
  • with too small of a window, you may miss out on GCDs over the course of a fight
  • with too big of a window, you may cast the wrong spell when trying to react to a proc at the last moment

Subjective settings

Core Spec Options

  • SPEC -> Core tab
  • Read your spec options and see what makes sense for you. Try out different ones.
  • You may find suggestions for your spec here


For dot/ranged classes, you may need to play with SPEC -> Targeting to get it feeling right. Personally I turned target swaps off on my shadowpriest, but left them on with my feral. You'll figure out what feels right for you.

I recommend starting with these settings, and adjust until it feels right for you.

Pet Classes


Ranged Classes


Melee Classes


Abilities tab

  • If you are a multi-bar user (such as a shapeshifting druid or a rogue in stealth), you may need to hard-code the keybind for some abilities so Hekili doesn't get confused when you swap forms. Check the FAQ for more info on keybinding issues
  • If you have any macros that don't show the correct tooltip, you will need to do this as well.
How to manually change a keybind in Hekili



  • Toggle "funnel" mode on/off for specs such as Sub Rogue
  • /hek set priority_rotation

Cooldown Toggling - AKA, the Hekili Cheatcode

  • VERY IMPORTANT: Under the toggles, you should keybind Cooldowns to something you can use easily.
  • I left mine as the default alt-shift-r, personally. There is also a clickable weakaura for it
  • If you're at the end of a pack, a boss is about to phase, or you need to hold cooldowns, TOGGLE THEM so you don't send them like an idiot. Then turn it back on when it's time.
  • At some point, you'll probably forget to re-enable them and also feel dumb. You'll get used to it.
  • This is the first step towards applying context and beginning to use Hekili as a tool rather than a Dance Dance Revolution Simulator
  • You also want to NOT use cooldowns separately (aka, show them IN the rotation), this matters a lot for specs who have specific openers, rotations or resource pooling before popping CDs.
  • Learning this technique is what makes Hekili more powerful than what people on Reddit and Class Discords claim the addon is

Go forth and smash the meters! May your logs look like this.


⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️