Developer Stuff - Hekili/hekili GitHub Wiki
Projects / TODO List
- Track refreshable status of debuffs in real-time across all enemies
- Priority View that shows all abilities/items that are actually used in that priority.
- Persistent List Insertions
- Ability Modifiers
- Ability Handlers
- In-game spell names
- Global item / trinket toggle
- Sandbox encounter timer system
- Make Fire mage great again (projectiles)
- More Weakaura hooks
- In-game tutorial/walkthrough via dialogue boxes
- More target count options
- Macro'd cooldowns
- More visual indicators
- More snapshot output
- Auto-Removal of useless variables
Table of contents generated with markdown-toc
Has a lot of potential, needs work.
ns.refreshableAuraCount = function(auraName)
local startTime = debugprofilestop() -- Start timing
local aura = class.auras[auraName]
if not aura then
return 0
local auraID =
-- Handle dynamic duration (if duration is a function, evaluate it)
local duration = type(aura.duration) == "function" and aura.duration() or aura.duration or 30
local refreshThreshold = 0.3 * duration -- Calculate threshold as 30% of the duration
local refreshableCount = 0
-- Iterate over each nameplate unit (up to 40)
for i = 1, 40 do
local unit = "nameplate" .. i
if not UnitExists(unit) then break end -- Stop if no more nameplates are present
local auraFound = false
-- Check each debuff slot on the unit to find the specific aura
for j = 1, 40 do
local auraData = C_UnitAuras.GetAuraDataBySlot(unit, j)
if auraData and auraData.spellId == auraID then
auraFound = true
local currentTime = GetTime()
local expirationTime = auraData.expirationTime or 0
local remainingTime = expirationTime - currentTime
if remainingTime <= refreshThreshold then
refreshableCount = refreshableCount + 1
if not auraFound then
-- If the aura is not found on the unit, consider it refreshable.
refreshableCount = refreshableCount + 1
-- Calculate elapsed time and add it to the profiling data
local timeSpent = debugprofilestop() - startTime
Hekili:AddProfileData("Refreshable", timeSpent)
return refreshableCount
-- Count of refreshable Garrotes
spec:RegisterStateExpr( "refreshable_garrotes", function ()
return ns.refreshableAuraCount("garrote")
end )
-- Count of refreshable Ruptures
spec:RegisterStateExpr( "refreshable_ruptures", function ()
return ns.refreshableAuraCount("rupture")
end )
- related: A way to display/print all referenceable auras for the spec/class within the GUI, sort of a tinkerer's corner
List Insertions for adding pre-precombat, pre-default, fallthrough recommendations that persist when priorities update (with better name than "list insertions").
- this entry is controlled by the specified toggle
- this entry will only display in the specified display
Allow this to be scripted/logical; this would allow us to short-circuit if a required part of the if=
will fail (i.e., if=talent.doodoo.enabled&buff.poopoo.down
-> strict=talent.doodoo.enabled,if=buff.poopoo.down
if condition in box is false, skip the whole list, there's no point. Otherwise, allow checking based on existing code structure.
box would correlate to
in simc APL sense.
Yeah, more or less; right now there's no strict
option in the UI but it's currently configured to parse as 1/0 true/false and doesn't get evaluated dynamically (I think).
Similarly, I've been thinking about rebuilding all handlers and ability/aura functions on talent changes and other critical updates, and building constructors instead of writing functions. I just don't know if it's worth the squeeze.
Something like:
handler = function()
if talent.alpha.enabled then applyBuff( "alpha" ) end
if talent.beta.enabled then applyBuff( "beta" ) end
handler = function()
local func = ""
if talent.alpha.enabled then func = func .. [[applyBuff( "alpha" )\n]] end
if talent.beta.enabled then func = func .. [[applyBuff( "beta" )\n]] end
if func ~= "" then return Hekili:LoadString( func ) end
Could also put the conditional items in a table and iterate over each
builders = {
handler = {
{ talent.alpha.enabled, [[applyBuff( "alpha" )]] },
{ talent.beta.enabled , [[applyBuff( "beta" )]] }
handler = function()
if and then
local func
for i, line in ipairs( ) do
if line[1] then func = strformat( "%s\n%s", ( func or "" ), line[2] ) end
if len( func ) > 0 then return Hekili:LoadString( func ) end
Basically, removing tons of non time-sensitive conditionals across the board.
Caching is probably a better solution, though.
Instead of needing to pause the addon, add in an option to either show a simple spellname (or blizz tooltip) on mouseover, or a weakaura-like name display.
Allow users to input their own timers for an NPC / encounter ID and have this timer be able to trigger things like the cooldown toggle. There would be 0 support for pre-determined or suggested timers as that is dangerous territory.
- Such as a "max" number of targets, or a N-target display
- Hero Tree Selection
- combat status / timer
- When an ability is chosen, list some of the effects that will happen via handler Example for Beast Mastery Cobra Shot
handler = function ()
if talent.dire_summons.enabled then reduceCooldown( "howl_of_the_pack_leader", 1 ) end
if talent.serpentine_rhythm.enabled then
if buff.serpentine_rhythm.stacks == 3 then
removeBuff( "serpentine_rhythm" )
applyBuff( "serpentine_blessing" )
else addStack( "serpentine_rhythm" )
if talent.barbed_scales.enabled then
gainChargeTime( "barbed_shot", 2 )
if talent.killer_cobra.enabled and buff.bestial_wrath.up then setCooldown( "kill_command", 0 ) end
-- Legacy / PvP Stuff
if debuff.concussive_shot.up then debuff.concussive_shot.expires = debuff.concussive_shot.expires + 3 end
if set_bonus.tier30_4pc > 0 then reduceCooldown( "bestial_wrath", 1 ) end
The snapshot output may say something like
Cobra shot was chosen
Handler Analysis
if talent.dire_summons.enabled[true] then reduceCooldown( "howl_of_the_pack_leader", 1 ) end
if talent.serpentine_rhythm.enabled[false] then
if buff.serpentine_rhythm.stacks == 3 then
removeBuff( "serpentine_rhythm" )
applyBuff( "serpentine_blessing" )
else addStack( "serpentine_rhythm" )
if talent.barbed_scales.enabled[true] then
gainChargeTime( "barbed_shot", 2 )
if talent.killer_cobra.enabled and buff.bestial_wrath.up[false] then setCooldown( "kill_command", 0 ) end
Effects applied by this action
reduceCooldown( "howl_of_the_pack_leader", 1 )
gainChargeTime( "barbed_shot", 2 )
Example: Unholy DK
## actions+=/variable,name=st_planning,op=set,value=active_enemies=1
## actions+=/variable,name=adds_remain,op=set,value=active_enemies>1
Replace st_planning
with active_enemies=1
Replace adds_remain
with active_enemies>1
Currently this is done manually, and occasionally gets overwritten. Make specific cases in the SIMC importer function to translate them inside the addon?