Glossar - HeilOliver/Roomix GitHub Wiki

Akonto - Deposit

A deposit is money that a guest pays before using services of the hotel.

Anwendungsfall - Use case

In software and system engineering, a use case (a case in the use of a system) is a list of actions, typically defining interactions between a role and a system, to achieve a goal. The actor can be a person or an external system.

Auslastung - Occupancy rate

Percentage of booked rooms compared to free rooms.

Back-Office - Back-Office

All the operations that are not directly related to the physical guest are carried out in the back office. These are broadly the activities to be carried out prior to arrival and after departure of the guest.

Basisablauf - Main success scenario

The main success scenario is a description of the primary successful path through the use case.

Bedienungsentgeld - Service charge

This is a percentage of the total room price, which is intended for the service personnel.

Belegung - Occupancy

Describes which guest occupies which room.

Belegungsliste - Occupancy list

The Occupancy list shows all occupied rooms of the current day, along with the guest name and his or her departure date.

Belegungsnummer - Occupancy number

If multiple bills are created for a room, each bill must be assigned to a guest, which is done by using the occupancy number.

Berechtigungsstufe - Authorization level

Controls the different access privileges to perform certain actions.

Bericht - Report

A report is a database extract in an easily readable form. This document is basically an objective description of a business matter or action.

Buchen von Extraleistungen - Booking of extra services

Describes the process when an extra service is booked by the receptionist.

Cascading Style Sheets - Cascading Style Sheets

It is a kind of language that defines how a webpage is formatted by an internet browser.

Check-In - Check-In

The process of allocate a guest to the corresponding room(s).

Check-Out - Check-Out

The process when guests terminate their stay at the hotel.


See Cascading Style Sheets.

Direktion - Management

The management consists of senior staff such as managers and line managers.

Doppelbelegung - Double occupancy

The case, when a room has two reservations assigned to it, for a specific timespan.

Extraleistung - Extra service

A product or service which is not included in the regular room prices, such as products from the minibar or services from a hairdresser etc.

Forecast - Forecast

Room occupancy and reservation preview. In the forecast the room reservations are shown.

Front-Office - Front-Office

The front office - area includes all processes that are performed directly at the reception in contact with the guests.

Frühstücksanteil - Breakfast percentage

This is a percentage of the total room price that covers the cost of the breakfast.

Gast - Guest

A guest is a person who uses the services of the hotel.

Gast des Hauses - Guest of the house

A guest of the house is a guest who stays at the hotel free of charge.

GDH - GotH

See Guest of the house

Glossar - Glossary

A glossary, also known as an idioticon, vocabulary, or clavis, is an alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge with the definitions for those terms. Traditionally, a glossary appears at the end of a book and includes terms within that book that are either newly introduced, uncommon, or specialized.

Grafische Benutzeroberfläche - Graphical User Interface

A way of arranging information on a computer screen that is easy to understand and use because it uses icons, menus and buttons rather than only text.


See Graphical User Interface.

Heizkostenzuschlag - Heating cost surcharge

This is a part of the total room price that covers the cost of the heating.


See HyperText Markup Language

HyperText Markup Language - HyperText Markup Language

A way of marking text so that it can be seen on the Internet.

Individuals - Individuals

Guests are described as Individuals if they book directly at the hotel instead of booking with a travel agency or a company.

Jahresabschluss - Annual closure

Is a print out of the annual reports, containing the core data. However, the monthly closure of the actual month needs to be finished.

Java - Java

A computer programming language that is often used on the Internet.

Java Server Pages - Java Server Pages

Is a technology that helps software developers serve dynamically generated web pages based on HTML.

JavaScript - JavaScript

Is a dynamic prototype-based scripting language.

Journal - Journal

The journal shows the activities of employees during a specified period.

JUnit - JUnit

Is a unit testing framework for the Java programming language.

Kategorie - Category

The rooms are divided into categories, according to their level of luxury. This leads to different room prices for different categories.

Kontingent (Hotel) - Quota (hotel)

The available rooms of the hotels.

Kontingent (Reisebüro) - Quota (travel agency)

A contingent is a pre-order of rooms by a travel agency who can then assign the rooms on their own. This has to be confirmed by a certain date to let the hotel know how many rooms are really needed.

Kontrakt - Contract

An formal business agreement between two or more parties.

Kreditgrenze - Credit limit

Credit limit to be granted to a guest (default value that can be changed at check in). This is used if a guest wants to pay by credit.

Kunde - Customer

A customer is the person that pays for the services that a certain guest has used.

Monatsabschluss - Monthly closure

The monthly closure prints all reports which are linked to it. However, the daily closing for the actual day needs to be finished.

No-Show-Liste - No-Show-list

Shows all the guests from a particular period who do not arrive at the supposed day.

Optionen - Options

An option is a specific condition which is linked to a reservation and has to be fulfilled to confirm the reservation. This may be done with a simple confirmation or a payment on account.

Optionsdatum - Option date

Date by which the options (advance payment, confirmation) must be fulfilled.

Out of order - Out of order

The status of a room. This means that the room cannot be rented. There may be several reasons for this. I.e. burst water pipe.

Package - Package

The guest can choose from a variety of offers which contain different services and extra-services. These offers are called packages.

Radio Frequency Identification - Radio Frequency Identification

A technology that uses electronic tags placed on objects to relay identifying information to an electronic reader by means of radio waves.

Rechnung - Bill

A statement of money owed for goods or services supplied.

Rechnung erstellen - Create bill

During this process all services a guest has used are listed, all the prices are summed up and taxes are added.

Rechnung legen - To render account

Prints the bill and confirms payment.

Rechnungsposition - Bill line item

A consumed good or service.

Rechnungsteilung - Split bill

The process of dividing a bill among some people.

Reservierung - Reservation

An arrangement to secure accommodations at a restaurant or hotel.

Reservierungsbestätigung - Reservation confirmation

A reservation confirmation is the process in which a guest confirms his recent reservation.

Rezeptionist - Receptionist

A person employed to receive and assist callers, clients, etc., as in an office.


See radio frequency identification.

Sequenzdiagramm - Sequence diagram

A sequence diagram is a type of unified modelling language used in software engineering to reflect the logical path through the system.

Stakeholder - Stakeholder

A person or group that has an investment, share, or interest in something.

Stammdaten - Core data

Key data required for the operation of a hotel such as the name of the hotel, number of rooms, etc.

Statusliste - Statuslist

The status list is a list, which contains the current status of each room. Possible states are: • OCCUPIED – CLEANED • OCCUPIED – UNCLEANED • FREE – CLEANED • FREE – UNCLEANED • OUT OF ORDER

Stornofristen - Cancellation deadlines

The cancellation deadlines determine the amount of the cancellation fee, depending on the cancellation period.

Stornogebühr - Cancellation charge

A cancellation charge is a fee you have to pay if you cancel a reservation.

Swing - Swing

Is the primary Java GUI widget toolkit.

Tagesabschluss - Daily closure

Automatically adds all room rates and any additional services to the respective room bill. Additionally all reports which are linked to the daily closure are printed and the status of rented rooms are set to “OCCUPIED – UNCLEANED”.

Transaktion - Transaction

Comprises a unit of work performed within a database management system against a database, and treated in a coherent and reliable way independent of other transactions.

Überbuchungsgrenze - Overbooking limit

Maximum permitted amount of bookings that surpass the booking limit.

Vertragspartner - Contracting Party

A traveling agency or company which is allowed to pay special prices and/or has a room quota as a result of a privity of contract.

Walk In Gast - Walk in guest

A walk in guest is a person who wants to use the services of the hotel but has no previous reservation.

Zahlungsart - Payment type

All the possible methods of payment (credit card, cash, etc.).

Zimmerstatus - Room status

The room status is used to describe the room as tidy, clean and occupied. Possible states are: • OCCUPIED – CLEANED • OCCUPIED – UNCLEANED • FREE – CLEANED • FREE – UNCLEANED • OUT OF ORDER

Zimmerzuteilung - Room assignment

Room assignment is the process of allocating guests to the rooms.

Zwischenrechnung - Interim bill

A list of all consumptions incurred up to this time and payments on account for a guest.