Using Our Styles - Hederis/docs GitHub Wiki

NOTE: We are currently in an invite-only alpha testing phase. If you'd like to participate, please contact [email protected].

About Styles

There are three types of styles in our style set: section breaks, wrappers, and blocks. A listing of the styles available in each group follows, as well as links to the style guide for more information about any individual style.

Section breaks

A section break is used to mark the start of a new book section. Book sections refer to the chapter-like chunks that make up a book. There are many types of book sections, e.g., chapters, prefaces, title pages, copyright pages, and so on. Each section is a stand-alone unit within the book, and the sections of a book would make up the book's table of contents. (Pro tip: the table of contents also qualifies as a book section!)

Every book section must begin with the appropriate section break paragraph, similar to the following:

A chapter section break at the beginning of a chapter

Here are all the available types of section, with links to the documentation about each one:


Sometimes a group of paragraphs is meant to stand out from the main narrative text, for example as a note, sidebar, or a letter. These groups of paragraphs need to be inside of a wrapper, which conveys extra information about the type of information contained by this group of paragraphs, and denotes that these paragraphs belong together.


A block is a standalone chunk of text, like a paragraph. These are the main pieces of text in your book. Most novels don't contain much more than Chapter titles and Plain text paragraphs, but sometimes a book contains extra types of content, like poems, sub sections, letters, and so on, and those paragraphs should be tagged accordingly.