Item Gear layout - HecknTarnation/Minecraft-Dungeons-Savefile GitHub Wiki

The item object is made up of a few different tags. We are going to talk about weapons first, but we will get to armor.
A weapon has a enchantments, equipmentSlot, netheriteEnchant (optional), power, rarity, type, and upgraded tag.
The enchantments is an array of objects, 9 total, that specify the details of an enchantment. Each set of three corresponds to an enchantment slot (you can not have multiple active in the same slot). Each object has three tags: id, investedPoints, and level level. For more details, see the Enchantments page.

equipmentSlot specifies which slot the item belongs in. I don't know what effects putting, say, a bow in the melee slot ("MeleeGear") does so I don't recommend it.

The netheriteEnchant is used to specify the gilded enchantment the weapon has. The tag's value is an enchantment object, any enchantment is supported.

power is the item's power level. This is a decimal number. I'm not sure the relationship of value to in-game number, but 27.5 = 266.

rarity is the item's displayed rarity in the UI. To my knowledge, this does not affect the item's stats in any way.

type is the item's ID. You can find out the different item IDs here.

upgraded is whether or not the item has been upgraded with diamond dust (a cut feature, meaning this tag is no longer used). Setting to true will have a small diamond be displayed on the item's icon.