Templating Races - HeavyMetalPirate/DiscordFantasyUnlimited GitHub Wiki

Base model file

The base model file for templating weapons is Race.java.


If any field only has an allowed value set, the field will be case-sensitive!

  • id: a string representation of the unique id
  • name: the name of the race
  • description: a short summary of the race
  • lore: the lore of the race
  • iconName: the name of the icon file

Racial treats

These bonuses are configured in the <bonuses> element. Each bonus is configured via the <RacialBonus> element.

  • id: a string representation of the unique id
  • name: the name of the bonus
  • description: the description of the bonus
  • iconName: the name of the icon
  • attribute: the attribute, if applicable; not required; allowed values: STRENGTH,ENDURANCE,DEXTERITY,WISDOM,INTELLIGENCE,DEFENSE,LUCK,ALL
  • weaponType: the weapon type, if applicable; not required; allowed values: NONE,SWORD,AXE,DAGGER,POLEARM,GREATSWORD,GREATAXE,BOW,CROSSBOW,STAFF,WAND,SHIELD
  • combatSkill: the combat skill, if applicable; not required; allowed values: DODGE,CRITICAL,BLOCK,SPELLPOWER,HEALPOWER
  • secondarySkill: the secondary skill, if applicable; not required; allowed values: MINING,FISHING,FORAGING,CHOPPING
  • modifier: the modifier in %; nonnegative integer

Example Item

  <lore>It&apos;s a fucking pitbull, what else do you need to know?</lore>
      <name>Holy Mother of God</name>
      <description>Raises critical chance by 5%. Holy mother of god, this is overpowered. Who allowed this?!</description>
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