What is addon - HearthunterPro/HanaBot GitHub Wiki

Addon helps to add some more without having to wait for updates or create by yourself. Get start

step 1: Create Project in your Eclipe.

step 2: Add External JARs. Bukkit.jar HanaBot.jar and luaj all in folder hanabot/lib/

step 3: new your package and main class in project.

step 4: extends class HanaAddon in your main class

step 5: new file in project -> addonhana.txt and write in file.

  1. name: (Name Addon)
  2. main: (locate main class)
  3. author: (your name)

final step: create your code.

Export to jar file move to folder plugin\Hanabot\lib\

When run plugin will show Load Addon.

see Main.class AddonMoney.jar