Getting Started - HearthstoneTracker/HearthstoneTracker GitHub Wiki


Note: This information is only for developers who want to get started with the source code. If you are a user of HearthstoneTracker looking for support, visit

  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 (If you use 'Visual Studio for Desktop', also install 'Visual Studio for Web' for needed binaries).
  • .NET framework >= 4.5
  • Latest NuGet Addon installed in Visual Studio


Getting started

Clone the git repository:

git clone

Open 'HearthCap.sln' in Visual Studio. It contains all projects and you will use this solution file if building from within Visual Studio.

Alternatively, you can run a debug or release build by executing builddebug.cmd or buildrelease.cmd. There is also a 'makeinstaller.cmd', but this is only used for releasing a new version (it also requires NSIS installed).

More information

You can find a description of the folders and files in the root folder below. More documentation can be found in other wiki pages.

Root folder structure

A description of most folders and files in the root of the repository.

Name Description
.build contains build files (for now, only msbuild community tasks)
.nuget NuGet configuration and dependencies
Capture Direct3D hook
doc some documentation
HearthCap Main application / user interface (views/viewmodels, startup code, etc.)
HearthCap.Core Hearthstone tracking logic (engines, game events, image utils)
HearthCap.Data Data model (entities, database context, entityframework migrations, etc.)
HearthCap.Updater Simple winforms updater, to allow self-updating of main application.
installer NSIS installer scripts
lib 3rd party libraries not managed by NuGet
package Output folder of release build and NSIS installer script
packages NuGet packages folder
PHash PHash algorithm interface
PHash.AForge PHash algorithm implementation using Aforge.Imaging library
.gitignore files git should ignore
Build.proj Used by MSbuild community tasks (I think)
builddebug.cmd run a 'Debug' build
buildrelease.cmd run a 'Release' build (note: also increases version number)
HearthCap.sln Visual Studio 2013 solution file
HearthCap.sln.DotSettings Resharper settings file
LICENSE.txt HearthstoneTracker license
makeinstaller.cmd Run a release build, then run NSIS to build the installer. Readme for github project page