6. Player Simulator interaction - HearthSim/kettle-design GitHub Wiki

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kettle:types/entity_choices objects are sent from the GameServer to the Player. This object represents a choice the player has to make about the given list of entities. The player makes a choice by selecting certain entities from the presented entity list.

  • ChoiceID: Unique identifier of the choice set; 1-indexed
  • ChoiceType: Indicates in what context the choice was made; Possible values are explained by the enum ChoiceType;
  • Source: The entity ID that caused a choice to be made;
  • PlayerID: The ID of the player;
  • HideChosen: If True, the chosen entities will be hidden from sight;
  • CountMin: The minimum amount of entities to choose; For mulligan, this is 0
  • CountMax: The maximum amount of entities to choose; For mulligan, this is 3 or 4 (depending on which player goes first)
  • Entities: The list of entity ID's to choose from.
    "type": "kettle:types/entity_choices",
        /*REQ*/ "choiceID" := kettle:games/[game_id]/choices/[choice_id],
        /*REQ*/ "choice_type" := ChoiceType:int32,
        /*OPT*/ "source" := kettle:games/[game_id]/entities/[entity_id],
        /*REQ*/ "playerID" := kettle:games/[game_id]/players/[player_id],
        /*REQ*/ "hide_chosen" := boolean,
        /*REQ*/ "count_min" := integer,
        /*REQ*/ "count_max" := integer,
        /*REQ*/ "entities" = 


kettle:types/choose_entities is a response object, sent by Player to GameServer, to the kettle:types/entity_choices object.

This object contains all chosen entities, while the ChoiceID property value equals the value of the same property in the kettle:types/entity_choices object.

  • ChoiceID: Unique identifier of the choice set this object responds to; 1-indexed
  • ChoiceType: Validation of the type of choice;
  • Entities: The list of chosen entity ID's.
    "type": "kettle:types/entity_choices",
        /*REQ*/ "choiceID" := kettle:games/[game_id]/choices/[choice_id],
        /*REQ*/ "choice_type" := ChoiceType:int32,
        /*REQ*/ "entities" = 


kettle:types/options_block objects are sent from the GameServer to Player. This object holds all possible option objects the Player can perform as next move. The Player can select exactly one option!

Valid option objects are all types contained by the IRI path types/options/:

  • kettle:types/options/pass

  • kettle:types/options/end_turn

  • kettle:types/options/power

  • OptionsID: Unique identifier of this options set; 1-indexed
  • Options: List of possible actions Player can perform.
    "type": "kettle:types/options_block",
        /*REQ*/ "optionsID" := kettle:games/[game_id]/options/[option_id],
        /*REQ*/ "options" :=


kettle:types/options/pass objects give Player the option to Pass. This means Player is out of other options. => Green end-turn button.

  • OptionIndex: Value keeping track of the position of this option object. 1-indexed
    "type": "kettle:types/options/pass",
        /*REQ*/ "option_index" := integer,


kettle:types/options/end_turn objects give Player the option to 'end the turn'. Other options are available as well. => Yellow end-turn button.

  • OptionIndex: Value keeping track of the position of this option object. 1-indexed
    "type": "kettle:types/options/end_turn",
        /*REQ*/ "option_index" := integer,


kettle:types/options/power objects contain instructions about possible play actions.

  • OptionIndex: Value keeping track of the position of this option object; 1-indexed
  • MainOption: The first/main action to perform, this is practically bringing an entity into play;
  • SubOptions: Followup actions, like 'Choose One', to perform after MainOption property is done.
    "type": "kettle:types/options/power",
        /*REQ*/ "option_index" := integer,
        /*OPT*/ "main_option" := kettle:types/sub_option,
        /*OPT*/ "sub_options" =


kettle:types/sub_option objects represent a single action or a followup action.

If followup, this is the 'Choose one' effect. For this effect, the next set or entities to choose from are known (not random). Each target represents a (card) entity to pick from (only 1).

  • SubOptionIndex: Value keeping track of the position of this suboption object; 1-indexed
  • EntityID: The identifier of the Entity linked to this option. This entity triggers an effect;
  • Targets: EntityID's which will be affected by the effect of the dereferenced EntityID property.
    "type": "kettle:types/sub_option",
        /*REQ*/ "sub_option_index" := integer,
        /*REQ*/ "entityID" := kettle:games/[game_id]/entities/[entity_id],
        /*REQ*/ "targets" =


kettle:types/choose_option is the response object from Player to a received sequence of kettle:types/options_block objects.

  • OptionID: The same ID as the option object sequence this object responds to; 1-indexed
  • Target: The EntityID of the target this option will have an effect on. Use -1 as 'no target selected';
  • OptionIndex: Index of the chosen option; 1-indexed
  • SubOptionIndex: Index of chosen SubOption. Use -1 if no suboptions were provided; 1-indexed
  • Position: Position on the board where a minion is player. Defaults to position 0. 0-indexed
    "type": "kettle:types/choose_option",
        /*REQ*/ "optionID" := kettle:games/[game_id]/options/[option_id],
        /*REQ*/ "option_index" := integer,
        /*OPT*/ "target" := kettle:games/[game_id]/entities/[entity_id],
        /*OPT*/ "sub_option_index" := integer,
        /*OPT*/ "position" := integer, // Typically between 1 and 7


kettle:types/nack_option is an object sent from the simulator to the player rejecting the one option that the player sent to the simulator. The client must resync it's state with the gameserver, kettle:types/get_game_state must be used.

  • OptionID: The same ID as the option object sequence this object responds to;
    "type": "kettle:types/nack_option",
        /*REQ*/ "optionID" := kettle:games/[game_id]/options/[option_id]


kettle:types/concede is the object sent by Player to inform the GameServer of the intent to resign the game.

    "type": "kettle:types/concede",
        // Empty object



ChoiceType Represents the the semantic value of the EntityChoices object.

The values are written in HEX format and the underlying type is int32.




Mulligan. This indicates that Player is chosing cards to replace with new cards from the deck zone.

!~ Mismatch with the actual HS protocol; The client sends the cards to keep, instead of 'to swap', to the server




Unused, each enumvalue has it's own kettle type.

Optiontype represents the semantic value of an option object.

The values are written in HEX format and the underlying type is int32.


Pass. => kettle:types/options/pass


End turn. => kettle:types/options/end_turn


Power. This means playing something. => kettle:types/options/power

Other sources

Understanding the HearthStone protocol

Homestone's Fireplace communication snippet

Stove's Kettle communication snippet