Project's Genesis - Heartbroken-Git/BadReader GitHub Wiki

Wanting to increase the security of my work computer I started to look into adding a layer of physical security. While USB dongles looked quite easy and seemed to work well I ended up being fascinated by smartcards as a fun way to ramp up security and to learn their inner workings.

As a result I looked around the Internet with the intent to buy either a card or a set of them to begin experimenting with. However I didn't do my research correctly and while I was looking for a PKI capable card I ended up buying a set of SLE4442 cards, mainly because they were cheap. Once I discovered my mistake I still wanted to play around with the cards, to use them as a weird storage system maybe, much like the floppy disks I ended up buying to have fun coding around.

However since there didn't appear to be any somewhat high level way to communicate with the card (at least high level enough to not have to learn by heart hex APDUs) I started to write BadReader. Which is also a way to keep practicing my relatively new Python skills.

Future support

Since BadReader is mainly a project for fun and to be used by myself essentially it is higly probable that once all the features I need are in development will cease.

However since the project is on GitHub and licensed under the Apache License 2.0 anyone interested in keeping it going should be able to.