Pages & Components - HeartUoA/HeaRT GitHub Wiki



This page allows the user to login to their account or make a new account if they do not already have one.

Create Account

Users create a new account here. It has error-checking in place to notify the user of any invalid details.


Users enter their credentials here. It has error-checking in place to notify the user of any invalid credentials.

Dashboard (Courses)

The user can view their courses here or make a new course. They can also view the instructions on how to play the HeaRT game.

Create Course

The user can create a new course in their account by filling out the necessary details. Error-checking is in place to assist the user and notify them of any invalid details.

Dashboard (Charts)

The user can view the charts they have previously created for a course as well as create a new chart to play the HeaRT game. From this page, they can also compare charts for the same course and print the cards to play the game in-person.

Create Chart

The user can explain the reason they are playing the game here. This information is confidential and only used for development purposes.

Display Cards

This page contains the main gameplay of the HeaRT game. Users can select statements which correspond with their course the most and justify their reasoning for their stance.

Select Card

The user must select one of two statements.

Select Stance & Describe Reason

The card chosen indicates which end of the spectrum the course lies on. The user can adjust this position and provide an explanation for their stance.


The user can preview all their responses and make changes if necessary. (The user must click "Save Chart" for their changes to be saved).


The user can play the game again for the same course or return to the Dashboard.

Compare Charts

The user can select up to 3 charts for the same course on the Charts Dashboard and compare their responses over time.

Print Cards

On this page, the user can print the cards to play the game in-person.



The user can directly return to the Dashboard/Homepage by clicking on the Logo or logout of their account.


This component allows the user to view the instructions on how to play the HeaRT game.



This component allows you to access a chart, print cards for the chart and compare it against other charts. An incomplete tag is shown if the game has not been completed by the user, as the game stores any progress made in the chart. Comparing is disabled for incomplete charts.


This component is used in the Display Cards and Preview pages to allow the user to adjust their stance and reasoning.

Preview Dimension

This component is a combination of the Dimension component and the components on the Display Cards page, as on the Preview page, the user can click on a dimension to view it individually.

Print Full Dimension

This component is used in the Print Cards page to display the cards for each dimension.

Dimension Comparator

This component is used to compare a dimension between the charts selected to be compared.