Agile Development Process - HeartUoA/HeaRT GitHub Wiki

The team followed a Scrumban agile development methodology with 1-week long sprints as we were collaborating with our Product Owner, Dr. Claire Donald, and were aware that the requirements of our project may change as we received feedback from her. The purpose of this was to ensure that a fully functional MVP could be delivered by the deadline of Thursday 15 October 2020.

The team used Jira to create and manage tickets, user stories and our product backlog. After implementing a feature, a pull request must be created to merge the new feature or bug-fix into the development branch. Pull requests are set to require at least two reviewers' approval before it can be merged; this increases the chances of obtaining quality code and others are well-informed on incoming changes.

To communicate as a team, we used a Facebook Messenger Group Chat as this allowed us to send each other asynchronous messages which were visible to the whole team. We would also use Zoom to host daily standups as we were following Scrumban, and this allowed us to work effectively as we were able to call and update each other on our progress as well as utilise features such as sharing screens to debug problems we were facing in light of having to work remotely (due to COVID-19).