APIs - HeartUoA/HeaRT GitHub Wiki

There are four API's that receive and send JSON data using POST, PUT and GET methods

The JSON data should follow the layout from the database page.


The users API is used to create a new user and also authenticate the user

/api/users is the location where the JSON data should be sent



This route is used to create a new user

Status Response
200 "User Created!"
403 "Username already exists."
403 "error message"


This route is used to check if the username and password entered from the user is correct.

Status Response
200 accessToken
403 "Ensure that you've hashed the password using md5 before sending it to the server"
403 "error message"


This API will create a new course and also get the charts for the course. /api/course



This route is used to create a new course associated with the user

Status Response
200 courses
400 "error message"


This route is used to create a chart for a specific course

Status Response
200 JSON(chartID, createdAt, reasonOfPlay, dimensions)
403 "You do not have permissions to create a chart for this course"
400 "error message"



This route is used to get all courses associated with the user

Status Response
200 courses
400 "No courses found"
400 "error message"


This route is used to get all courses associated with the user

Status Response
200 courses
403 "You do not have permissions to access this course"
400 "error message"


This route is used to get the specific chart for the course

Status Response
200 JSON(charts)
403 "You do not have permissions to view charts for this course"
404 "No charts found"
400 "error message"



This API is used to get the chart data associated with the chart and course



This is used to modify an existing chart in the server

Status Response
200 JSON(updatedField)
403 "You do not have permissions to modify this chart"
404 "No chart found. You can create one at /api/course/{courseID}/chart/"
400 "error message"



This is used to get the cards associated with the charts

Status Response
200 JSON(chart)
403 "You do not have permissions to modify this chart"
404 "No chart found. You can create one at /api/course/{courseID}/chart/"
400 "error message"


/api/dimensions This API is used for getting or changing a specific dimension from a chart



This is used to change the specific dimension of an chart

Status Response
200 JSON(dimensions)
404 "No course exists for this dimension"
400 "error message"



This is used to get the specific dimension for a chart

Status Response
200 JSON(dimensions)
404 "No course exists for this dimension"
400 "error message"


This is used to get the specific dimension for a chart

Status Response
200 JSON(dimensions)
404 "No course exists with that ID"
400 "error message"