Video Resources - HearstCorp/rover-wiki GitHub Wiki




Name Type Description Sortable
id UUID Unique resource identifier no
created_at Date Creation timestamp yes
type Integer See Video types no
updated_at Date Last update timestamp yes
editorial_themes Array Array of editorial theme categories no
brand_tags Array Array of brand tags no
content_tags Array Array of content tags no
people_tags Array Array of people tags no
product_tags Array Array of product tags no
captions Array Array of caption objects no
transcodings Array Array of transcoding objects no
display_id String Unique resource identifier yes
title String Title yes
description String Description yes
distribution_notes String Distribution Notes yes
credit String Credit yes
rights Object Entities that can use the video, see Rights no
status Integer See Publication status no
original_aspect_ratio String Original aspect ratio yes
nearest_aspect_ratio String Nearest aspect ratio yes
resolution String Resolution yes
filesize Integer Filesize yes
duration Integer Duration yes
source_video_url String Source video URL yes
is_complete Boolean Transcoding completed status yes
transcoding_job_id String Transcoding job ID yes
transcoding_status String Transcoding status yes
transcoding__in_progress_status String Transcoding in progress status yes
ads_disabled Boolean Are ads disabled? yes
vtt_captions_enabled Boolean Are VTT captions enabled? yes
imported_url String Imported URL yes
platform_source String Platform source yes
is_disabled Boolean Is video disabled? yes
publish_from Date Publish from timestamp yes
publish_to Date Publish to timestamp yes
published_at Date Published at timestamp yes
display_date Date Timestamp when the video was originally uploaded or imported yes
deleted_at Date Deleted at timestamp yes
imported_at Date Imported at timestamp yes
metadata Object Metadata is a JSON object no
content Object/UUID A related Content object no
source UUID Video source object - see Video sources no
uploaded_by Object/UUID User object - see People resources no
last_updated_by Object/UUID User object - see People resources no
media Array Array of associated VideoMedia resources - see Video media no
preview_image String The preview image's full URL no
associated_images Array List of associated image full URLs no
transcodings Array List of transcoding objects no
transcodings_in_progress Array List of transcoding objects in progress no

Note: the media field is stripped from any video resources that are embedded as media objects. This is to prevent circular references.

Note: transcodings is populated by AWS Elastic Transcoder responses. The structure of the data differs as the transcoder job's status changes. It's possible that there will be additional fields not listed below.

Name Type Description Available in Status
id Integer Sequential ID local to the transcoding job. Not specific to Rover. Progressing, Complete
key String S3 object key Progressing, Complete
preset_id String AWS Transcoder preset ID Progressing, Complete
status String AWS Transcoder job status Progressing, Complete
full_url String Full URL to transcoded video Progressing, Complete
duration Integer Transcoded video duration in seconds Complete
width Integer Transcoded video width Complete
height Integer Transcoded video height Complete
filesize Integer Transcoded video filesize in bytes Complete
frame_rate Integer Transcoded video frame rate Complete

Video captions

Name Type Description Sortable
id UUID Unique resource identifier no
created_at Date Creation timestamp no
updated_at Date Last update timestamp no
imported_at Date Imported at timestamp no
filename String Filename no
type String Type no
language String Language no
text String Text content no
video UUID Parent video no

Video captions can only be listed in the context of their parent video.

Deletion is supported by sending a DELETE request to


Video categories


Has the same properties as Category on GET methods but accepts only the category id as parameter id for POST and DELETE operations - i.e. associating a category resource with a video resource.

Video media


Accepts GET, POST, DELETE operations

POST operation properties

Name Type Description Sortable
id UUID Unique resource identifier for related image/file/video no
type String Media type - 'image', 'file', 'video' yes
role Integer Resource identifier for the purpose (role) - see Media Roles no
metadata Object Metadata is a JSON object no
order Integer The order in which resources will be automatically sorted no

Video rights

The /videos endpoint accepts the special rights and site_has_rights filter parameters as described in the User Guide.

Video tags


Has the same properties as Tag on GET methods but accepts only the tag id as parameter id for POST and DELETE operations - i.e. associating a tag resource with a video resource.

Video embeds


Accepts GET operations. Video embeds are created automatically when Content Media pointing to a Video is associated with a Content record.

Name Type Description Sortable
id UUID Unique resource identifier no
created_at Date Creation timestamp yes
updated_at Date Last update timestamp yes
media UUID The embedded media object no
page_type String The type of related page (content,collection,section,tag) yes
page_id UUID The ID of the related page no
external_page_id String Id of the related page from an external content source no
media_type String The type of embedded media (video,videoplaylist) yes
media_id UUID The ID of the embedded media no
metadata Object Metadata is a JSON object no
created_by UUID Related User no
site UUID The site this record belongs to no
ads_disabled Boolean Are ads disabled? yes
autoplay Boolean Is autoplay enabled? yes
mute Boolean Is the video or playlist muted? yes
aspect_ratio String The aspect ratio to force the video or playlist into yes

Video playlists


Accepts GET, POST, DELETE operations

POST operation properties

Name Type Description Sortable
id UUID Unique resource identifier no
created_at Date Creation timestamp yes
updated_at Date Last update timestamp yes
created_by UUID Related User no
title String Title yes
description String Description yes
source UUID Related VideoSource no
tags Array Array of tags no
limit Integer Limit to place on the video query yes
type Integer Playlist type - 0 = 'curated', 1 = 'dynamic' yes
metadata Object JSON object that supports the following lists: video_ids, source_ids, category_ids, tag_ids no
site UUID Related Site yes
is_disabled Boolean Whether playlist is disabled yes

Video sources

Name Type Description Sortable
id UUID Unique resource identifier no
display_id Integer Unique resource identifier no
created_at Date Creation timestamp yes
updated_at Date Last update timestamp yes
title String Title yes
parent UUID Parent video source no
url String URL yes
site UUID Related site no