Resource Overview - HearstCorp/rover-wiki GitHub Wiki

Available operations

The following operations are available for all resource collections

Collection operations

Method Example path Action
GET /v2/tags Get resource collection
POST /v2/tags Create resource collection

Individual resource operations

Method Example path Action
GET /v2/content/{id} Get resource
PUT /v2/content/{id} Overwrite resource
PATCH /v2/content/{id} Partially update resource
DELETE /v2/content/{id} Delete resource
HEAD /v2/content/{id} Check if resource exists

Sub-collections operations

Sub-collections consist of top level resources linked to the current parent resource - like tag resources associated with a certain piece of content. Sub-collection operations generally manage association between the sub-resource and the parent by passing in the sub-resource id.

Method Example path Action
GET /v2/sections/{id}/subsections Get resource sub-collection
POST /v2/sections/{id}/subsections Associate sub-collection resource
DELETE /v2/sections/{id}/subsections/{sub_resource_id} Disassociate sub-collection resource

Property notation

All resource properties in this section are described with the following notation:

Type Style Description
required property bold property is required to create a resource object
property unstyled property is optionally writeable
read only property italic property is read only

If a property is described as Object/UUID it implies that GET requests will return this object nested, while write operations and their responses require the UUID of the related object. With recursive relations, the nesting will generally only be one level deep, i.e. a Category parent that is nested will have it's parent represented by an UUID.

Resource groups