JavaScript - HealthTeacher/style-guide GitHub Wiki

Much of this was inspired by idiomatic-js. Please add to this guide if you find any particular patterns or styles that we've adopted internally.

Table of Contents

  1. General
  2. Naming
  3. Marionette



  • JavaScript hooks should follow the js-myJsHook pattern.
  • Testing hooks should follow the qa-myTestHook pattern.
  • Do NOT apply styles to js- or qa- prefixed classes.


  • Label Views with className exclusively, not id.
  • Order view properties/methods as follows:
    1. View properties (alphabetically)
    2. Child view properties (alphabetically)
    3. Marionette methods (by lifecycle of the view)
    4. Custom methods (alphabetically)


  • Use static propTypes and static defaultProps at the top of React classes. (This does not work in the teacher app currently)
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
  static propTypes = {
  static defaultProps = {

  render() {