Git - HealthTeacher/style-guide GitHub Wiki


  • Create a topic branch off of origin/staging*.
  • rebase against origin/staging* frequently to stay up to date.
  • Push your topic branch to origin.
  • Submit a pull request to staging.
  • Follow PR guidelines.
  • Squash & merge your branch via GitHub and delete your topic branch.
  • Immediately deploy to the staging.

*All hot fixes should branch off of master.


  • All branch names should be prefixed with feature/, bug/, chore/, hot-fix/, or spike/, followed by a concise description.
  • Utilize ticket ID's provided by Clubhouse to associate your feature branch to the related ticket (e.g. bug/ch1234/repair-heading-size).


  • Limit the subject line to 50 characters.
  • Capitalize the subject line.
  • Do not end the subject line with a period.
  • Use the imperative mood in the subject line.
  • When necessary, use the body to explain what and why vs. how.
  • Separate subject from body with a blank line.
  • Wrap the body at 72 characters.
  • Additional Info.

Pull Requests

  • PR titles and bodies should adhere to the same guidelines outlined above for commits.
  • Prerequisites for requesting review:
    • Passing CI build.
  • How many approvals are required to merge?

    Aim for two approvals, free to move forward with one if under a tight schedule.

  • How many should be requested to review?

    Only request the targeted number of reviewers.

  • What should influence choosing a reviewer?
    1. GitHub's proposed reviewers.
    2. Seniority/experience in context.
  • How fast should reviewers respond to PR review request notifications?

    Aim to respond within 1 hour.

  • Do NOT make changes to a PR for which you do not possess responsibility.
  • The PR submitter is responsible for handling any reviewer-requested changes. This only changes in the following scenarios:
    • The submitter requests assistance from a coworker and passes responsibility.
    • A coworker is free and desires to handle the changes, in which case they should notify the submitter via Slack or PR comments.