How to Create Your Own Branch and Use Pull Requests - HealthStart-Monstralia/Monstralia GitHub Wiki

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Creating your own branch

  1. Go to the Monstralia Page for the Brainstorm Lagoon branch on GitHub. Your new branch will be based off of this branch.
  2. Click on Branch just above the file browser.
  3. Type in the name of your branch and create it.

Using a pull request to merge with current development branch

  1. Next to the Branch button is a New pull request, click it.
  2. Set the base to the current development branch.
  3. Set the compare to your branch.
  4. Fill out any info that may be useful. It may be a good idea to assign the branch manager to review the pull request.
  5. Create the pull request by clicking on the green button.

You are now done. You can leave the merging to the branch manager, or you can merge it yourself if you're certain the changes are correct.

From now on, use your branch for pushing your own changes and submit a pull request whenever you want to add changes to the main development branch.