Home - HealthStart-Monstralia/Monstralia GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the Monstralia wiki!

Important Links:

Status Report: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Y8_TVfcJEhDcvMnbWA34pKnBMJA9mcQQfodkZKhdtT0

Bug Report: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd2mEJfR0awdNb8voxAKEnzYpwK5_G6Uz3QXwZ4T6yGMiNEAw/viewform?usp=sf_link

Bug List: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1gMTbyzx7_nt_xNnj9AOno8Wzz5n9gdKBNkD3jVxV13Q

Project Plan: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CXF8Iw0ACtqFnHVQ_ALKKJr7jXAwzlTQIvYyywVZc0k/edit?usp=sharing

Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5jC9Gxxg1u4Z3R0elpTNVdFZXc

Process & Architecture Folders: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1kW5Xc-ybDpMUd3bTBmOE9aQm8

Monstralia Design Doc: https://personal.filesanywhere.com/fs/v.aspx?v=8d70648e5d6376b8a6af

Monstralia Art Guidelines: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1kW5Xc-ybDpeXdpT0xDRFNmS2c

What is Monstralia?

Gamifying good healthy habits for kids! Children ages 2-6 take control of a baby monster avatar and teach it to make healthy choices through minigames. Using the HealthStart Foundation's curriculum Healthy Education for Youngsters (HEY), we are making a game using the Unity game engine to teach children how they can take care of their body through healthy eating and exercise. Our goal is to release a Android build first, and move onto Web and iOS respectively.

If you would like to contribute

Core development will be on the Brainstorm Lagoon branch with each new minigame inside their own branches (e.g. BoneBridge branch). The 'master' branch is for finalized changes. If you are new to version control, please check out the YouTube links at the bottom. Please check out the Wiki to familiarize yourself with the structure of the game and the procedures.


Check out the Setting Up Unity for Monstralia YouTube video for an easier guide.

  • Clone the repo to your local machine.
  • Run "git checkout unity" to switch to the unity branch.
  • Download the Unity game engine from https://unity3d.com
  • In the installer, make sure the WebGL, Android, and iOS modules are checked.
  • Go to your clone of the repo then /Assets/Scenes and click on any of the .unity files.
  • Unity should open and automatically import the project named "Monstralia."
  • We are currently developing Monstralia for Android, and we need to tell Unity this. Go to the menu bar then File->Build Settings, click on Android, then click the "Switch Platform" button in the bottom left corner of the Build Settings window. (The Unity logo should be next to Android now).
  • If any of the assets (images, sprites, etc.) do not show up inside of Unity, go to Assets (in the menu bar, not the directory inside of the project) and select "Reimport All."


  • We are using a combination of comments in our code and text documents in the GitHub Wiki/Google Drive to document our code.
  • We previously used Doxygen to document our code (for how to use doxygen, see http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/manual/docblocks.html). To view our old documentation, go to the html directory, and open "index.html" with your favorite browser


Have any questions? Please email [email protected]! Any questions or comments about the programming should be directed towards Colby at [email protected]

Tutorials for version control and setting up Unity