Ansible Setup - Health123/wiki GitHub Wiki

Steps for setting up Ansible on OSX.

Install ansible

Use the forked repo and s3_list_v2 branch to pick up the changes needed for our deployments.

git clone [email protected]:Health123/ansible.git
cd ansible
git checkout s3_list_v2
git submodule update --init

Configure your shell environment

Add source ansible/hacking/env-setup to your .bashrc or profile, or run manually in a shell.

Get the latest python dependencies

sudo pip install boto paramiko PyYAML jinja2 --upgrade

Clone the devops repo

git clone [email protected]:Health123/devops.git
cd devops

Copy config files

Run the setup script to copy config files to their location. Make sure to update ~/.boto with your correct AWS credentials.

cd ansible/setup
sudo ./

Ensure AWS access

To make sure your configurations are correct and you have the proper credentials run the following from your terminal (from any location):

list_instances -r us-west-2

If your access is correct you will see a list of instances. If things are not setup correctly you will see an empty list. This many indicate you've messed up the setup or you have incorrect AWS creds.