API Overview - Health123/wiki GitHub Wiki

The Romulus API provides access to configure, read, and write data objects and templates within the Health123 Platform.


Discussion of the conceptual model.

API Calling Conventions

All Romulus endpoints receive HTTPS PUT or POST requests, and require TLS 1.0 or greater. Request parameters are passed as JSON in the request body. The Content-Type request header should be set to application/json.

Since all requests have a JSON request body, the GET verb is not used. All requests include version and api_key attributes in the JSON request body.


Some data types are used frequently and are briefly outlined here.


IDs throughout the API are Version 5 UUID type in the string format:


ISO 8601 Timestamps

Timestamps are in ISO 8601, always converted to UTC, and expressed in this string format:


A greater subset of ISO 8601 may be accepted in the future, e.g. adding milliseconds or allowing an abbreviated form of date only.

Example Workflows

This section demontrates actual request and response JSON structure for various workflows.

Endpoint Reference

Health123 API Reference

External Tools

Postman is a convenient way to explore JSON APIs.