Tools - Healix/Gw2Launcher GitHub Wiki

Right click any account (or the tray icon) to open the menu. Tools can be found under this menu and more can be found under settings.

Asset server proxy

Create your own local patch server. This allows you to see what GW2 is downloading and also prevents multiple accounts (with their own Local.dat files) from needing to download the same files. By default, patches will be downloaded from the fastest patch server available to you, though if the -assetsrv option has been set, it will be used instead.

Note: GW2 broke the -assetsrv option in 2020. To use the proxy, the DNS override under the advanced options must be enabled.

Background patching

Pre-downloads patches in the background to reduce the time it takes to update. When a new build is available, you can continue playing while it downloads at the same time.

Note that GW2's download speed is limited due to how it works, and although it's not actually having to download anything from the net, it can still drop below 1 MB/s when it's dealing with hundreds of 1 KB files.

Cache folders

CoherentUI, the in-game web browser used for the trading post, may create temporary cache folders every time GW2 is launched. This can quickly lead to a hundreds of megabytes of wasted space.

Select the option to delete cache folders under tools to manually delete these folders, or to setup automatic deletion. Note that these files are temporary and can safely be deleted.

Hidden users

If you've created users specifically for GW2, you may want to hide them from the system to prevent them from being shown when not needed. This tool will automatically enable and disable the accounts of your choosing when the program is started and exited. Note that disabled users cannot be used and that administrator access is required to setup this option.


The screenshot tool can be enabled to rename screenshots as they're taken and/or convert BMP screenshots to either a JPG or PNG. By default, GW2 saves screenshots in a lower quality JPG format. To make GW2 save screenshots as BMP, enable it under the launch options, either under the specific account, or for all accounts under the settings.


Shortcuts for accounts can be created by dragging an account to your desktop or by right clicking it > All/Selected > Create desktop shortcut. Multiple accounts can also be added to a single shortcut by repeating "-l:uid:#", where # is the ID of the account, which can be found under its statistics. GW2's command line options can also be used with these shortcuts, which will simply be passed when launching.


The support tool contains options for running diagnostics, repairing and the selection of login and patch servers.