Patch server problems - Healix/Gw2Launcher GitHub Wiki

Patch servers can host corrupted files, causing GW2 to display connection errors, slow down to 0 KB/s, or download infinitely without making any progress.

Fixing the problem using Gw2Launcher

Gw2Launcher includes a built-in patch server that will automatically detect corrupted files and switch to alternate servers.

First time users: You will need to add an account to Gw2Launcher before you can access the patch server.

To access the patch server, right click any account > Tools > Patching > Asset proxy. Enable the proxy, and under advanced, disable caching (if you don't need to patch multiple installs) and choose to override the DNS.

If the status is inactive, click the status to start the server. It'll start automatically if an account is launched. GW2 will now be downloading patches through Gw2Launcher, regardless of whether GW2 is launched directly or through Gw2Launcher.

Warning: GW2 will be unable to connect while the server is inactive and the DNS is overridden. Disable the DNS override when finished if you plan on launching GW2 outside of Gw2Launcher.

Fixing the problem manually

Open a command prompt (search the start menu for cmd).

First find out which server you're using by default by entering the command:


There should be 4 addresses given and all of them likely lead to the same group of servers. Take note of the first 2 numbers in the address.

Now use other DNS servers:

nslookup nslookup

Look for addresses where the first 2 numbers are different from what your default DNS provided. These are different server groups. Try using one of these addresses.

To set the address, search the start menu for notepad, right click it and choose to run it as an administrator. In notepad, open the file:


Add the following line, substituting with the IP you found:

Save it and launch GW2.

Warning: The IPs will eventually change, causing GW2 to fail to connect. Remove the line from the hosts file when finished patching.