Command line - Healix/Gw2Launcher GitHub Wiki

Normal usage

These options may be used in any order


Instructs Gw2Launcher to start minimized or hidden in the tray if enabled. This is included in shortcuts by default.


Instructs Gw2Launcher to launch the account with the specified ID #, which can be found under the account's statistics. This option can be included multiple times to launch multiple accounts.


Instructs Gw2Launcher to launch the specified account IDs.

Note: Any options other than the "-l:" options will be passed on to GW2

Strict usage

These options must occur first in the command line and in the specified order


Shows the popup version of the account bar to launch accounts.


Pastes the authenticator code for the account. If the active window isn't linked to an account, a menu to select one will be shown.

-update "path1" "path2" "etc"

Updates the specified Local.dat files using Gw2Launcher. Paths can be a file, directory or include wildcards.

To include all dat files in a folder:
-update "c:\example\*.dat"

To include all dat files in a folder and all of its sub folders:
-update "c:\example\*\*.dat"

-pu -handle -pid 0 "AN-Mutex-Window-Guild Wars 2" 0

Searches all processes to kill the specified mutex, then exits.

-pu -handle -n "Gw2-64" "AN-Mutex-Window-Guild Wars 2" 0

Searches processes with the name "Gw2-64" to kill the specified mutex, then exits.

-pu -handle -d "c:\example" "AN-Mutex-Window-Guild Wars 2" 0

Searches all processes under the folder "c:\example" to kill the specified mutex, then exits.