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Welcome to the Tarkvara_Project wiki!

Too lazy to update changelog manually, go check commits history :)

07.03.2017 Added:

* monster textures
* UI (Equipment,Inventory,Generated Monster)

06.03.2017 Added:

*         equipment system for player (inventory + equipped items like armor or weapon)
*         better texture for hero

26.02.2017 Added:

*         new map generator (now walls are separate tiles)
*         graphics
*         character movement
*         start/end point markers (currently doesn't check if player has reached them)
*         Monsters with Modificators implemented into core


Kaarti random-generaator (done)

* MapGenerator object generates map of given size with random start/exit location
* graphics is done

Monstrite random-generaator (done)

*  now it's possible to create Monster type object with Modificator which are being generated from two xml files

Hero stats + status (done)

*  probably needs small rework and discussion about stats
*  need to add character status block in UI


*  Currently Character has Inventory and 5 slots for different equipment types.
*  methods for moving items to/from inventory are implemented

Baas kangelase liikumis-süsteem (done)

*     implemented to Hero class
*     can move on empty tiles and can't go through wall tiles (seems legit, right?)