Dataset ACES3, Austin - HeSunPU/grid_slam GitHub Wiki

Dataset organization

The dataset explored here is a laser range finder based data(ACES3, Austin Dataset). It is a standard CARMEN log-file, which is a data format widely used in SLAM. The dataset is organized in messages of type PARAM (scalar parameter values), ODOM (wheel odometry inferences), FLASER and RLASER (laser rangefinder readings, vectors of 180 readings), TRUEPOS (true position) and NMEA-GGA (GPS data), as described in the first nine lines of the data file.

# message_name [message contents] ipc_timestamp ipc_hostname logger_timestamp
# message formats defined: PARAM SYNC ODOM FLASER RLASER TRUEPOS 
# PARAM param_name param_value
# SYNC tagname
# ODOM x y theta tv rv accel
# FLASER num_readings [range_readings] x y theta odom_x odom_y odom_theta
# RLASER num_readings [range_readings] x y theta odom_x odom_y odom_theta
# TRUEPOS true_x true_y true_theta odom_x odom_y odom_theta
# NMEA-GGA utc latitude lat_orient longitude long_orient gps_quality num_sattelites hdop sea_level alitude geo_sea_level geo_sep data_age

The mobile robot will scan the front half plane in each observation. The map generated by algorithm from reference is: Real Map, ACES3, Austin


100X speed, display the robot location and laser point cloud (sampling each 10 steps):