HcashWallet CLI Beta User Guide - HcashOrg/hcashd GitHub Wiki

Download and build

  • The compilation and installation of Hcash requires a golang environment of version higher than 1.7

  • Install glide tool to manage project dependencies

    go get -u github.com/Masterminds/glide
  • Download and build hcashd

    git clone https://github.com/HcashOrg/hcashd $GOPATH/src/github.com/HcashOrg/hcashd
    cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/HcashOrg/hcashd
    glide install
    go install $(glide nv)
  • Download and build hcashwallet

    git clone https://github.com/HcashOrg/hcashwallet $GOPATH/src/github.com/HcashOrg/hcashwallet
    cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/HcashOrg/hcashwallet
    glide install
    go install $(glide nv)

Create hcashwallet

hcashwallet --create

create wallet-1

Input your wallet password and confirm it.

create wallet-2

Input n or no

create wallet-3

Input n or no

create wallet-4

Note: Please save the seed in a secrete place for wallet recovery.

create wallet-5

Input OK to complete wallet creation.

Start hcashwallet and hcashd

  • Start hcashd
    Run hcashd
  • Start hcashwallet
    hcashwallet --pass="your password"
    Run hcashwallet

Query the account balance

hcashctl --wallet getbalance

Query balance

This produces information for three accounts: the default account, the post-quantum account, and the imported account.

The default account uses the ECDSA signature scheme, which is not quantum-safe. The default account can transfer currency, conduct POS by purchasing tickets and conduct POW by mining.
The post-quantum account uses the BLISS signature scheme, which is efficient and quantum-safe. The post-quantum account can transfer currency and conduct POW by mining.

In the output of this command:

field meaning
immaturecoinbaserewards immature mining rewards (the mining rewards cannot be expended with less than 128 block confirmations,before which time called immature)
immaturestakegeneration immature voting rewards (the voting rewards cannot be expended only after 128 block confirmations either)
lockedbytickets the frozen currency for purchasing the tickets (purchasing tickets locks a specific amount of hcash. This specific amount is called the ticket price, which will be unlocked after the owner gains the corresponding voting reward)
spendable amount of spendable hcash
total total amount of hcash
unconfirmed amount of unconfirmed hcash

Obtain the address for receiving hcash

hcashctl --wallet getnewaddress "accountname"

Get new address

The addresses for the default account are prefixed by Hs, and for the post-quantum account prefixed by Hb

Transfer currency

hcashctl --wallet sendfrom "accountname" "toaddress" amount

Transfer where fields are defined as

field meaning
accountname name of the paying account
toaddress destination address for the transferred currency
amount amount of the transferred currency

Conduct PoS by purchasing tickets

hcashctl --wallet purchaseticket "fromaccount" spendlimit minconf=1 "ticketaddress" numtickets

Purchase tickets where fields are defined as

field meaning
fromaccount account for the purchase. Currently only the default account is allowed to purchase ticket
spendlimit the maximum amount of currency allowed to purchase tickets
minconf the minimum number of confirmations required for the inputs of this ticket purchase
ticketaddress destination address for receiving the voting reward
numtickets the number of tickets to purchase


Set the address for receiving mining rewards

This address is specified in a configuration file. The configuration file path is different in various operating systems.

In Win10: ~/AppData/Local/Hcashd/hcashd.conf

In Linux: ~/.hcashd/hcashd.conf

In Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Hcashd/hcashd.conf

To specify the address for receiving mining rewards, add a line to the configuration file: miningaddr=XXXX

where XXXX is a new address obtained by the user.

Start mining

hcashctl setgenerate true X

Run mining

X represents the number of threads used for mining.

Query the mining speed

hcashctl gethashespersec

Query speed

Turn off mining

hcashctl setgenerate false

Stop mining

Recovery wallet

hcashwallet --create

create wallet-1

Input your wallet password and confirm it.

create wallet-2

Input n or no

create wallet-3

Input y or yes, and then input your seed

create wallet-6