Gameplay - HaydosBruh/Battleships GitHub Wiki


Prior to the start of the play, each player's ships ought to be secretly organised on their own main grid. Each and every ship takes up a total of sequential squares on the grid, and to be arranged either vertically or horizontally. As for the amount of the squares for each ship, it depens on the type of the ship itself (starts from 2 to 5 boxes).

In order to hit the opponent's enemy ships, players will take turn launching shots by calling out one of the grid coordinates.

During your turn, you are required to choose a letter as well as the number that pinpoints the respective row and column on your opponent's grid. As to show whether the shot hits the target, the said box either shows an empty ocean, or being caught on fire to display the part in which the ship is hit.

Throughout the play, when one of the ships has the respective box filled with shots, the screen will display a sunken ship icon.

The first player to sink all five of their foe's ships, wins the game.