Home - Haydenk65/JSON GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the official wiki for BANGOUT ™, the social media for fighters to search for potential matches.

User Stories:

  1. As a professional fighter, I want to be able to see my opponent before I accept a fight so that I can know whether I can potentially win.

  2. As a social media user, I want to have a good user interface so that I can easily navigate the site.

  3. As a fighter, I want to have a red coloured site, so I can imagine bathing in the blood of my opponents.

  4. As a human being, I want a working website so I don't waste my time.

  5. As a professional, I want a site that is designed well so it can seem credible.

  6. As a functioning member of society, I want to know where my fight is before I accept so I don't waste the hours in my busy day travelling to my fight.

  7. As a female fighter, I want the ability to choose which gender I am/want to fight so that I don't have to fight with men.

  8. As a Google fanboy, I want to be able to sign in using my google account so I don't have to remember another password.

  9. As an inexperienced fighter, I want the ability to learn how to fight so I can participate.