Make all turrets shoot at same time - Hayashikiyoi/SP2_DM2199 GitHub Wiki

  1. After declaring a bullet as Bullet* Name[numOfBullets], initialize it as NULL and delete during exit.

  2. Set collider box for it.

  3. Implement the follow codes under Update.

  4. `for(int i = 0; i<numOfNullet;++i)


    if(bullet[i] && player->trigger(bullet[i])

    if(!smtHappen) //smtHappen is a bool initialized as false under .h
          smtHappen = true; //to make it so that player will get hit by one bullet at a time
      bullet[i]->shoot = false;


  5. `if(DelayTimer<0.1)

    for(int i = 1; i <=2;++i)


    for(int i = 1 ; i<= 2; ++i)




    if(DelayTimer>5) //The time set here is the rate of fire of turret

     for(int i =1;i<=2;++i)
      bullet[i]->shoot = false;
  6. `if(smtHappen)


     time+=dt;  // time is a static float initialized as 0
     if(time >5) 

// the time set here should be the same as the rate of fire of turret to prevent player taking damage if they stand still while being attacked


     time = 9;

     smtHappen = false;



// NOTE : remember to set a condition in render to only render bullets when they are true

// And also remember to set its position at the turret position and to set rotation.