How to contribute - HaxeBeluga/beluga GitHub Wiki

Step by step

  • Fork the repository
  • Create a branch containing your feature/bugfix
  • Send a pull request between your branch and the dev branch

That's it. Maybe include some more commits after your pull request has been reviewed if necessary.

What we will test

  • Is Beluga working with the template project under template ?
  • Is Beluga working with the project under test folder (neko + php) ?
  • Does the command line tool provided with haxelib works ?

What is the master branch used for ?

Once the dev branch is stable enough, we will create a new branch called release. Then we will clean this branch to make sure there are not any undesired comments, critic bugs, bad indent and so on. In short, we will make it clean and good looking. Once the release branch is perfect for us, we will merge it in to the dev branch to prevent us from cleaning the same thing again the next time and also to the master branch, we will eventually create a git tag corresponding to the new released version.