WheelBarrows - Hawthorn-Games/ProjectScrapped GitHub Wiki


An object that allows Golems to use the "Change" Code Blocks.




Wheelbarrows are placed around the level by designers to create more depth in the way the player solves puzzles. They are of a specific color, set by the designers. When Golems are in front of a Wheelbarrow, they can use the "Change" Code Blocks to change their color to the one of the Wheelbarrow.


Parameter Value
Size 1m x 1m
Block other objects Yes

Function Implementation

These are the ways in which the object reacts when the following actions are performed on it

Function Implementation
Push Usual Behaviour
Pull Usual Behaviour
Grab Usual Behaviour
Change The Wheelbarrow changes the colour of the Golems that interact with it to the color of the Wheelbarrow itself

Extension Ideas

  • The player could acces Wheelbarrows in Engine Mode to change their colour. This could add a bit more thought and liberty into the planning process of each puzzle.