Puzzle Zone 1 - Hawthorn-Games/ProjectScrapped GitHub Wiki


Type Name Description
bool Check_InRange Checking whether or not the player is within the zone bounds
bool TabPressed Objective element, checking whether the player has pressed tab when instructed
bool DestReached? Checking if the player has arrived at the tutorial zone
bool WPressed Check if W key has been pressed (Objective Requirement)
bool APressed Check if A key has been pressed (Objective Requirement)
bool SPressed Check if S key has been pressed (Objective Requirement)
bool Dpressed Check if D key has been pressed (Objective Requirement)
String KeyPressed Parsing Value of the current Key being Pressed as a string (WASD)
bool InEditor Checking if the player has accessed the editor window when instructed
bool SequenceThreeComplete Flow control, insures that next stage of tutorial does not begin unless this is true
Objectives_UI ObjectiveUI_Ref Reference to Objectives UI Widget
bool RequirementsMet Flow control, insures that next stage of tutorial does not begin unless this is true
bool SequenceFourComplet Flow control, insures that next stage of tutorial does not begin unless this is true
HighLightMoveBlock RedB_Highlight Reference to Code block highlight
HighlightMoveBlocktoCodeSpace HighlightDropZone Reference to highlight widget for code space
HighlightPlayBTN HighlightPlayBTN Reference to the highlight play button widget
Vector StartPos Reference to the actors original world position
PuzzleManager TutorialPuzzle Reference to specific puzzle manager in the scene
bool CodeHLVisible Checking if the code highlight has been shown to the player (flow Control)
bool TutorialHighlightVisible? Checling if drop zone highlight has been shown to the player (Flow control)
bool CodeBlockObtained Flow control, checking if the player has obtained the necessary code block for objective
bool ReturnMessageShown Checking if the return objective message is being shown to the player (Flow Control)

Custom Events


Event disables player movement as they reach the designated puzzle area. Their next objective is then displayed.


If player leaves puzzle area or obtains code block this event is called to instruct them to return to the puzzle zone.


This event moves the actor upwards after the cinematic sequence (only if tutorial is engaged) insuring that collision parameters such as Check_InRange are set to true.


Casts to TopDownController Class and disables TAB from being pressed.


Casts to TopDownController Class and Enables TAB and allows it to be pressed.


Changes objective message to ''Complete puzzle''


Is called by EDIT_UI widget whenever player is within the designated puzzle zone. This event checks whether or not the player has the required code block for objective. If not then player is instructed to obtain it. If the player does have the code block then CodeHighlight widget appears.

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