NPC_Base - Hawthorn-Games/ProjectScrapped GitHub Wiki


Type Name Description
-text NPCName Set the name of the npc being interacted with
-Texture2D[] NPC_Texture_Profile Set the different range of profile images to be displayed during dialogue
-Name NPC_Voice Apply name of sound file to be played by NPC during dialogue
-Actor[] PuzzleManagers Array of puzzle managers that the NPC can be assigned to (Switching dialogue array)
-bool RunDialogue Switch determining what dialogue cue is to be engage i.e Puzzle complete or not dialogue
-DialogueStructure[] DialogueStructure Custom 2D array of Dialogue Lines
-int SetDialogue Controller for choosing dialogue from structure
-AnimSequence[] Animations List of animations that can be played during dialogue sequence
-AnimSequence Default/IdleAnimation Starting/idle animation to be played by NPC when not in dialogue



Parsing parameters/values for 'before win' to the MainUI_Dialogue Widget during run time to be displayed while in dialogue sequence. This function will be called if the NPC is not assigned to any puzzle manager.


Parsing parameters/values for 'before win' to the MainUI_Dialogue Widget during run time to be displayed while in dialogue sequence. This function will be called if the NPC is not assigned to any puzzle manager.

Custom Events


Casts to TopDownController Class and disables TAB during dialogue. This custom event is called when dialogue is engaged.


Called by MainUI_Dialogue widget script once dialogue sequence is complete to stop player from engaging dialogue to quickly after completion.