Using git - HawpT/BrainFloss GitHub Wiki

Hey guys here are links to using github.

read to learn about using github

this link shows the commands you enter into linux or terminal to pull and commit or push

read to learn about the commands you enter into terminal

the pull process (commands you enter in terminal)

git init starts a new git in the current directory

git remote add origin this sets 'origin' to our github URL

git pull origin master this downloads the current files from 'origin' on the 'master' branch

git add file1 file2 etc adds changes or new files you created to your local branch only add files that you want to be on the git, do not add local files generated by IntelliJ or PyCharm etc. You may add all files in a directory by using the wildcard asterisk /usr/src/ would add all files and folders in the directory /usr/src

git rm file1 file2 etc remove files from the GIT

git commit -m "message about what you changed" when you are finished with your changes, commit will 'submit' them to your local files if it can

git status or git checkout these commands lets you see what has changed in your local files

git push origin master after you have committed, upload your commit to 'origin' on the 'master' branch