Setting up our Workspace for Windows 10 - HawpT/BrainFloss GitHub Wiki


Download and install python 2.7, and remember the directory you installed it to. you will need it in a second. Download Git. Make sure to use the windows style to unix style option as well as git for cmd

Enable Git, Python, and Pip in CMD.exe

Open the windows Advanced System Settings and open the Environment Variables dialogue.

In the bottom box, System Variables, highlight the Path variable, and hit edit. At the bottom of the picture below, you can see I have added the directory to which I installed my python as well as the subfolder scripts. This will enable you to execute python.exe and pip.exe from any directory when you are working in cmd. You don't need to type the .exe either. Now test this out. Type pip into cmd. Also, try typing python. You should see multiple lines of responses from running those programs. Make sure you re-start cmd before you try this.

At some point you can type pip install django==1.9.2

Set Up Workspace

Now navigate to where you want to put your workspace. I put mine here: **C:\users\kevin**. Navigate inside of this new folder inside of CMD

git init

git remote add origin

git pull origin master

Now we should have installed Django 1.9.2 in the sandbox, as well as updated our pip to 8.0.2 in case it wasn't already current.

Now if you type dir into cmd, you should see something like this

Get a MySQL server running locally. Here.