Home - Hasitha-Lakshan/Inventory-Management-System-Back-end GitHub Wiki
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This application is developed for the back-end of a web-based Inventory Management System. The application is mainly developed by using Spring Boot open-source Java-based framework and using Spring Data REST, Java Persistence API, Java Database Connectivity, Apache Maven, and MySQL Workbench. In this application, we mainly focus on the day to day operations of a product distribution company. This application will provide an easy way to track the products, suppliers, customers as well as purchase and sales information. It also records the stocks currently available in the stores and distribution lorries. There are basically four users, Administrator, Analyzer, Inventory manager, and Cash colletor. Basically, the administrator can manage the users, the analyzer can analyze given reports of the sales and make the decision. Also, the inventory manager manages purchase and sales information of inventories and the cash collector can issue invoices for the customers who are purchasing the inventories. Also, the ER diagram and the Architectural diagram relevant to this system are given below.