Desert aids taxonomy - Harris-dmorales/scripts GitHub Wiki
Desert AIDS Project Yearly Taxonomy Creation Home Health
- Export Client Records from CMx. a. Login to HomeHealth b. Perform a search i. Type: Folder ii. Wildcard: Checked iii. Name: “%, % - %” iv. Category: “Initial (One-Time Signature) c. Change the Display x Results to a number higher than the result count. d. Click Search again to show all results in one page. e. Click on the Name header to sort by name. f. Scroll and select all the Client Name folders. Do not select any of the date folders. g. Click Details. h. Click Report. i. Click Save as… Excel. j. Save the report to the desktop as YYYYTaxonomyHH.xls k. Open the xls file and delete the first row.
- Import list into SQL. a. Open SQL Management Studio. b. Select the Questys database. c. Import the file from step 1-j to a table named YYYYTaxonomyHH d. Backdate any dates happening during leap year by using the query below. i. use Questys; update [YYYYTaxonomyHH] set [Date]=dateadd(day,-1,[Date]) where datepart(month,[Date])=2 and datepart(dd,[Date])=29; e. Insert a NewDate column by using the query below. i. use Questys; alter table [YYYYTaxonomyHH] add [NewDate] datetime; f. Populate the NewDate field by using the query below. i. use Questys; update [YYYYTaxonomyHH] set [NewDate]=cast(cast(datepart(month,[Date]) as nvarchar) + '/' + cast(datepart(day,[Date]) as nvarchar) + '/2017'as datetime); ii. note: change 2017 to the current or future year desired. g. Clean up SSN values by using the query below. i. use Questys; update [YYYYTaxonomyHH] set SSN=null where SSN=’Hispanic:’; update [YYYYTaxonomyHH] set SSN=replace([SSN],’-‘,’’);
- Create Taxonomy in CMx. a. Login to HomeHealth. b. Launch the General Data Importer from the tools menu. c. Open the “Taxonomy Import HH.qip”. d. Change the query to reflect the proper table name. i. select * from [YYYYTaxonomyHH] e. Click the “Execute” button. f. Click the “Run” button. g. Start the process by clicking the “Start” button.
Case Management
- Export Client Records from CMx. a. Login to CaseManagement b. Perform a search i. Type: Folder ii. Wildcard: Checked iii. Name: “%, % - %” iv. Category: “Initial (One-Time Signature) c. Change the Display x Results to a number higher than the result count. d. Click Search again to show all results in one page. e. Click on the Name header to sort by name. f. Scroll and select all the Client Name folders. Do not select any of the date folders. g. Click Details. h. Click Report. i. Click Save as… Excel. j. Save the report to the desktop as YYYYTaxonomyCM.xls k. Open the xls file and delete the first row.
- Import list into SQL. a. Open SQL Management Studio. b. Select the Questys database. c. Import the file from step 1-j to a table named YYYYTaxonomyCM d. Backdate any dates happening during leap year by using the query below. i. use Questys; update [YYYYTaxonomyCM] set [Date]=dateadd(day,-1,[Date]) where datepart(month,[Date])=2 and datepart(dd,[Date])=29; e. Insert a NewDate column by using the query below. i. use Questys; alter table [YYYYTaxonomyCM] add [NewDate] datetime; f. Populate the NewDate field by using the query below. i. use Questys; update [YYYYTaxonomyCM] set [NewDate]=cast(cast(datepart(month,[Date]) as nvarchar) + '/' + cast(datepart(day,[Date]) as nvarchar) + '/2017'as datetime); ii. note: change 2017 to the current or future year desired. g. Clean up SSN values by using the query below. i. use Questys; update [YYYYTaxonomyCM] set SSN=null where SSN=’Hispanic:’; update [YYYYTaxonomyCM] set SSN=replace([SSN],’-‘,’’);
- Create Taxonomy in CMx. a. Login to CaseManagement. b. Launch the General Data Importer from the tools menu. c. Open the “Taxonomy Import CM.qip”. d. Change the query to reflect the proper table name. i. select * from [YYYYTaxonomyCM] e. Click the “Execute” button. f. Click the “Run” button. g. Start the process by clicking the “Start” button.