7. Easy how to guide to the Idena (30.11.2020 UPDATE) - HaroldSP/Harold GitHub Wiki

Idena is a new blockchain and cool community with a proof-of-person technology, more about you can read here.

1. Download and install the client app

Actually, after downloading it and installing it from here, you can run a built-in node, enter your invitation code (more about it later) and start using Idena right away!

2. Remote node: creating a droplet on a Digital Ocean

If you don't want to use your own computer to mine DNA (their token), you can install your node on a remote server. I recommend Digital Ocean for that.

2.1. Download and install PuTTY

Link here or google it.

2.2. Generating private keys

Search for putty-gen:


Click generate and random scroll in the special field:

Save your public and private keys to some secret folder on your computer. You can also copy all that text as shown on a screenshot below and save it separately in some text file, because it takes a while to open it properly. We are going to use it later. You can add a passphrase if you want to.

2.3. Sign up

Here's my invitation link. Me and you get some benefits from it. Be sure that your card has at least $15 dollars on it, Digital Ocean will verify it.

2.4. Create a droplet

Ubuntu 18.04.03(LTS) x64 🠊 Basic 🠊 $5/month 🠊 NYC1 (or any) 🠊 No VPC 🠊 skip additional options 🠊 click new ssh keys 🠊 paste your previously saved public key 🠊 name it 🠊 save 🠊 tick it 🠊 finally, create Droplet

3. Remote node: Establishing connection

Connect to your droplet using your private key and save your session for future usage:

The default username is root. Enter your passphrase if you got one. Login under root.

4. Remote node: Downloading and setting up your node

For some unknown reason the code that I wrote previously won't work on the new nodes. I am leaving it for good, since that the old nodes are still working, but here is the actual working code.

And btw I is much easier.

4.0 Up-to-date version (30.11.2020).

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

sudo fallocate -l 1G /swapfile2 && sudo chmod 600 /swapfile2 && sudo mkswap /swapfile2 && sudo swapon /swapfile2 && echo '/swapfile2 none swap sw 0 0' | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab

source <(curl -sL https://bit.ly/idena-manager-installer)
idena-manager add
idena-manager disable

If something goes wrong just copy-paste it separately.
rm -r ~/datadir-node1/idenachain.db && cd datadir-node1 && mkdir idenachain.db && cd idenachain.db && sudo apt-get install unzip

wget "https://idena.site/idenachain.db.zip" && unzip idenachain.db.zip && rm idenachain.db.zip
nano .idena.config

scroll to localhost and change it to, ctrl+X, Y, Enter

sudo ufw allow 9009/tcp
sudo ufw allow 40404
idena-manager enable
idena-manager status

4.1. From here and up to par.5 the information is NOT UP-TO-DATE

root part

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
adduser idena # fill in new password and other details (not important)
usermod -aG sudo idena
mkdir /home/idena/.ssh
cp ~/.ssh/authorized_keys /home/idena/.ssh/
sudo chown -R idena:idena /home/idena/.ssh/authorized_keys
mkdir /home/idena/node
mkdir /home/idena/node/datadir
sudo reboot
# sudo su idena #just in case you are not logged out from the session after reboot

4.2. idena part

Right-click paste into the PuTTY window.

Make idena-node service:

sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/idena-node.service

Paste, paste your IP address and set your API key pass, ctrl+X, y, enter:


ExecStart=/home/idena/node/idena-node --rpcaddr **YOURIP** --datadir /home/idena/node/datadir/ --apikey **SETPASS**


Follow by:

sudo ufw allow 9009
sudo ufw allow 22
sudo ufw default deny incoming
sudo ufw default allow outgoing
sudo ufw enable # yes
sudo systemctl enable idena-node
nano upgrade.sh

Paste, ctrl+X, y, enter:

echo 'updating Idena node'

release=$(curl --silent "https://api.github.com/repos/idena-network/idena-go/releases/latest")

tag=$(echo "$release" | grep -Po '"tag_name": "\K.*?(?=")')

echo 'Downloading last release version', $tag

url=$(echo "$release" | grep -Po '"browser_download_url": "\K.*?(?=")' | grep Linux)

wget -q --show-progress $url

name=$(echo "$release" | grep -Po '"name": "\K.*?(?=")' | grep Linux)

service idena-node stop
mv $name node/idena-node
chmod +x node/idena-node
service idena-node start

echo Done

Finish it up:

chmod +x upgrade.sh
sudo ./upgrade.sh

5. Remote node: connecting to your remote node via Idena

Enter your IP address yourIPaddress:9009 and node API key:

6. Done!

Start mining, submitting flips, passing validation, join your local community channel in Telegram, and official Idena channel https://t.me/IdenaAnnouncements!