How to report errors or request features - HakuoGakuen/HakuoukiSSL GitHub Wiki

If you:

  • encounter any crashing or bugs while playing the patch,
  • notice any typos or mistranslations,
  • want request written guides from us on a certain topic, e.g. walkthroughs,

—Please read these instructions on how to let us know so we can fix it ASAP!

How to report errors or request features for the patch

These instructions are written for the desktop browser version of Github.

  1. Visit the Issues tab on our GitHub page.

  2. Double check that what you want to report hasn't already featured in the list of issues we have received, in both the Open and Closed tabs of the Issues page

  3. If your issue hasn't been reported yet, submit a New Issue using the green button on the right

  4. On the issue submission page, make sure you write a clear title and comment describing your issue

  • If you're describing a bug or mistranslation, make sure you also describe what happened or where you were in the game when it occurred
  • You can also insert a screenshot or picture of your screen to help us locate the issue!
  1. To the right of the submission box, there should be a subheading called Labels – click the gear symbol, then please attach the appropriate label to your issue.

  2. Double check that your issue is relevant and unique in our issues log.

  3. Once you're all done, press the green Submit new issue button below the issue submission box.