Home - HakuoGakuen/HakuoukiSSL GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the Hakuouki SSL Wiki!

Hakuouki SSL is a PS Vita exclusive otome game released in 2014 as part of the Hakuouki franchise. As we release the first fan-translation patch of this game into English, we also include this wiki as a centralized hub of information and help pages for any questions or issues you might encounter while playing the game.

To navigate this wiki, just click the Pages dropdown header to browse and filter through the pages here. The sidebar also has an index of useful links you can access from any wiki page.

Social Media Links

Hakuo Gakuen

  • Tumblr – Check out our text-only translations of the game and ask us any questions you might have here
  • Blogspot – Check out our Blogspot page if you only want text-only translations of the game

Otogelib Social Media

Check out updates from Otogelib on various projects that teams within the group are working on through the links below:

Learn more about Otogelib through the posts below and how you may join the group: