HaikuArchivesGoogleSummerOfCode2017 - HaikuArchives/haikuarchives.github.io GitHub Wiki

Haiku Archives plans to apply for Google Summer of Code 2017 under Haiku Inc.

Here's the list of project ideas from Haiku's website for 2016: https://www.haiku-os.org/community/gsoc/2016/ideas

Haiku Archives is a collection of open sourced BeOS programs and now a handful of newly written applications for Haiku. With this in mind, we figured it was about time that we added a new application focus to Haiku's list of possible project ideas. Some of these project ideas are to help fix up existing applications that were written originally for BeOS. Some are to work on ports of programs that are meant to be cross-platform but aren't yet working on Haiku. We are also open to hearing project ideas from potential Google Summer of Code students to see what you feel you can create in a summer long project.

Fix up and improve Vision

Fix up and improve Caya

Fix up and improve Beam

Fix up and improve Jabber4Haiku

Work on OfficeOnly port

Work on UltraDV

https://github.com/Barrett17/UltraDV UltraDV is a full-featured non-linear video editing application created by Mediapede Inc in 1998. Features include 8 tracks of video, video capture, audio capture, transitions, real-time preview, and much more. The goal of this project is to complete the port to Haiku, and also provide a showcase for the awesomeness of the Haiku media server.

Work on LibreOffice port


Improve Qt port

Work on NetSurf port

Work on BRL-CAD port

Work on Abiword Qt port

Improve Sum-It