The product - HackJersey/politics GitHub Wiki

The product we want to build will...

Rate/rank industries by how much they donate to political campaigns over the years.

For the presentation, we had ideas that we liked that may be separate components, but not the primary interface.

  • A quiz. We give you two industries, can you guess which one gave more money to candidate X?
  • Using a baseball card-style presentation for detailed stats on industries or recipients.
  • A win/loss record for donors/industries

In the course of the discussion, several other questions were raised that really guided us:

  • What do I do with it?
  • Is there a call to action, not just interaction?
  • Keep note, with this coming election, winners will become losers and vice versa, in terms of groups financing candidates over the years. We want to be able to see that change in giving and in successfully backing winning candidates.

We spent a couple of hours talking about this at our first planning meetup, and considering the various angles. After looking at the use cases, the discussions led to this focus:

  • how are industries spending money collectively to influence individual political campaigns?

A few ideas we kicked around but for various reasons we decided were not possible for this event.

  • Where is the money coming from? Is more money coming to races from out of the district or out of the state than in it?
  • How much does a bill cost?
  • Who's playing both sides by donating to both parties in any race?
  • Any kind of campaign finance drinking game.
  • Track and rank the spending of individual political donors.