Game Hub - HU-ICT-LAB/WebVR-Demo GitHub Wiki

HUB World

What is the game hub

The game hub is a page where the player can choose which game they want to play. It features a nice looking enviroment with some 3d models to create a nice mood. There is one web teleporter and 5 destination selectors.
These selectors can take you to the following pages:

  • Boxing Game
  • Tardis World
  • World Builder
  • Speed Slider
  • Player Clone

The later 2 of the 5 destinations are ment for use on desktop only. These are the pages where one can change the speed of the player or view the 3d clone of the player.


One of the issues we found while working on the hub is the following. When we want to switch to another web page firefox automaticaly throws you out of the aframe vr experience. So you need to re enter the vr game by pressing the vr button.
Combined with this is that we still need a nice way for the user to return to the hub when they are done playing the game.

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