09 Status Change Approvals - HHS/OPRE-OPS GitHub Wiki

Research Purpose

OPRE needs a way to implement oversight of their budget within each Portfolio, Division and across the organization as a whole. Planning is a collaborative process across OPRE staff including CORs, Team Leaders, Division Directors and the Budget Team and they need a clear understanding of their budget status and planning in order to make decisions. As budget lines change from Draft to Planned, Planned to Executing and Executing to Obligated, approvals and oversight will be needed.

Research Goals

  • Understand the current process for planning and decision-making
    • How decisions are made and documented
    • Who is involved and responsible
  • Identify areas of improvement
    • Understand current challenges
    • Compare current process to an ideal future state
  • Explore design options for necessary approvals and oversight
    • Sending to review and tracking pending changes
    • Reviewing and approving
    • Audit and reporting needs


  • 1:1 interviews
  • Design feedback sessions

Engagement Groups

  • Budget Team
  • Division Directors
  • Team Leaders
  • CORs or other Team Members

Research Plans

May 2023 - Research Plan - Approvals

June 2023 - Research Plan - Planning Process

September 2023 - Research Plan - Approvals Design Feedback