06 Portfolios - HHS/OPRE-OPS GitHub Wiki

Research Purpose

OPRE needs a way to view groups of work as “portfolios”. In the legacy system, budget data was organized by funding source, known as a CAN (common accounting number). However, this does not meet the needs of OPRE to view project and budget information across CANs and to instead categorize the information by a broader level. Because of this, they have to compile the information manually which is inconvenient and time consuming. OPS will be designed to align with OPRE’s organizational structure (Divisions and Portfolios) so it's easier to track their work across funding sources.

Research Goals

  • Collaboratively define and build consensus on what a Portfolio is
  • Understand the different aspects of a Portfolio including;
    • Budget and funding
    • Projects and spending
    • Team members or staffing
  • Explore design options and data visualization for a Portfolio Page in OPS


  • 1:1 interviews
  • Card sorting activity
  • Co-design and design feedback

Engagement Groups

  • Budget team
  • Division Directors
  • Team Leaders
  • CORs and other Team Members

Research Plans

August 2022 - Research Plan - Portfolios Discovery Research

August 2022- Research Plan - Defining Portfolios

October 2022 - Research Plan - Portfolios Design Feedback