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Spring, 2020, work plan

Integrating work from 2019-2020 hackathons

Already integrated

  • Validation uses MID libraries current as of spring, 2020
  • All DSE observations from 2019 and 2020 hackathons are now in the dse directory
  • All XML work on the Aratea and the scholia have now been folded into composite files in the editions directory.
  • All paleographic observations from 2019 are in the paleography directory. (We did not record paleographic observations in the 2020 hackathon.)


We take our canonical references for the lines of the Aratea from the edition of Breysig. (You can find a CEX format version of Breysig in the file aratea-breysig-1899.cex.) The sections of the Bern MS are often in a different order from Breysig, so we have to be sure when we add edited text from one of the hackathons that we put it in the correct place in the MS edition: we can't blindly follow Breysig's sequence.