Why Better Beds? - GuysAfternoonIn/Better-Beds GitHub Wiki
Minecraft Bed Project
Executive Summary
Minecraft beds are lame and we wish to improve them. This mod is simple and will provide a test bed for future modding. With this mod we hope to break new ground with a mod concept no one else has done before, but want to keep the project simple, touch on several areas of Minecraft's code, and make something useful.
Our solution is create a mod which will add two new beds which will build upon the current bed technology. The original Minecraft bed will be considered tier 1. Our first of two new concepts will be considered a tier 2 bed because of an increase in cost, ability, and desirability. The tier 2 bed will provide healing and a short bonus to speed after resting. The tier 3 bed will build upon the bonuses of the first bed and provide greater healing and a longer last speed bonus.
Tier 2 beds will be crafted from basic Minecraft beds plus other materials. Tier 3 beds will be crafted from tier 2 beds plus other materials.
Both tier 2 and tier 3 beds will receive new colors.
Technical Jargon
(to follow)