JavaScript30 - GunnarThorunnarson/FORR3JS05DU GitHub Wiki
- Day 1: Drum kit (keyCode, data attribute)
- Day 2: CSS + JS Clock (setInterval, CSS style)
- Day 3: Playing with CSS variables and JS (CSS breytur)
- Day 4:
Array Cardio Day 1 (filter, map, sort, reduce)
- Day 5:
Flex Panels Image Gallery (flexbox, toggle)
- Day 6:
Ajax Type Ahead (fetch, JSON, filter, regex, replace, change, keyup)
- Day 7:
Array Cardio Day 2 (some, every, find, findIndex)
- Day 8: Fun with HTML5 Canvas (Canvas, mouseEvent)
- Day 9:
14 Must Know Dev Tools Tricks
- Day 10: Hold Shift to Check Multiple Checkboxes (multiple checkboxes, click)
- Day 11: Custom HTML5 Video Player (dataset, Listeners)
- Day 12: Key sequence detection (keyboard)
- Day 13: Slide In on Scroll (scroll, debounce)
- Day 14:
Object and Arrays - Reference VS Copy
- Day 15:
LocalStorage and Event Delegation (submit, click)
- Day 16: CSS Text Shadow Mouse Move Effect (mousemove)
- Day 17:
Sorting Band Names without articles (sort, strip, trim, map, join)
- Day 18:
Tally String Times with Reduce (data attribute)
- Day 19: Unreal Webcam Fun (npm localserver, Canvas)
- Day 20: Native Speech Recognition
- Day 21:
Geolocation based Speedometer and Compass
- Day 22: Follow Along Links
- Day 23: Speech Synthesis (text, voice)
- Day 24: Sticky Nav (scroll. style)
- Day 25: Event capture, propagation, bubbling and once
- Day 26: Stripe Follow Along Dropdown (sjá Day 22)
- Day 27: Click and Drag to scroll
- Day 28: Video Speed Controller UI (mouse move, video)
- Day 29: Countdown Clock (setInterval, Date, submit)
- Day 30: Whack a mole game (textContent, setTimeout, click)