Föll II - GunnarThorunnarson/FORR3JS05DU GitHub Wiki
Lestu eftifarandi:
- Function Definitions in JavaScript
- Function Expressions
- Arrow Functions
- Object methods, og
- ítarefni Understanding Higher-Order Functions
Fylgdu Beau Carnes í Scrimba myndböndunum Learn modern JavaScript (eða á youtube) Gerðu samhliða æfingarnar í freeCodeCamp ES6:
- Explore Differences Between the var and let Keywords (scrimba)
- Compare Scopes of the var and let Keywords
- Declare a Read-Only Variable with the const Keyword (scrimba)
- Mutate an Array Declared with const
- Prevent Object Mutation
- Use Arrow Functions to Write Concise Anonymous Functions (Sjá Function Expression áður)
- Write Arrow Functions with Parameters
- Set Default Parameters for Your Functions (Sjá IIFE áður)
- Use the Rest Parameter with Function Parameters
- Use the Spread Operator to Evaluate Arrays In-Place
- Sleppa: Use Destructuring Assignment to Extract Values from Objects
- Sleppa: Use Destructuring Assignment to Assign Variables from Objects
- Sleppa: Use Destructuring Assignment to Assign Variables from Nested Objects
- Sleppa: Use Destructuring Assignment to Assign Variables from Arrays
- Sleppa: Use Destructuring Assignment with the Rest Parameter to Reassign Array Elements
- Sleppa: Use Destructuring Assignment to Pass an Object as a Function's Parameters
- Create Strings using Template Literals
- Write Concise Object Literal Declarations Using Object Property Shorthand
- Write Concise Declarative Functions with ES6
- Sleppa: frá og með Use class Syntax to Define a Constructor Function